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Monday, August 9, 2010

Jangaroo 0.7.0 Released

In the latest release, Jangaroo features Runtime optimizations, localization, and semicolon insertion.

Jangaroo Runtime without with

After concentrating on compiler and build process in release 0.6, the new release 0.7 cleans up the Jangaroo Runtime accordingly.
Many features that used to be implemented in the Runtime became obsolete, because the compiler now takes care of them:
  • The mapping of private member names now consists of a set of local variable assignments, generated by the compiler. The runtime merely still contributes the class inheritance level, which can only be computed at runtime if we want to keep "binary" update compatibility with libraries. This removed the last with-statement from the generated code! Since with is considered harmful, we are proud to now avoid it completely. This results in less ambigous code ("where the heck does that $foobar variable come from?") and most likely in better performance, since modern JavaScript engines with their just-in-time compilers have better chances to perform optimizations without with.
  • Resolving unqualified identifiers (usually class names without package) is no longer done at runtime, but completely at compile time. Even implicit imports, i.e. usages of classes of the same package or the top level package, are detected and made explicit by the compiler. Thus, the runtime no longer has to deal with imports. It still needs to know which other classes to load (i.e. its dependencies). We may re-introduce more concise code for imported classes later.

New Feature: Localization Support

Localization means to provide your software with different texts and configuration, depending on the user's locale settings. For Jangaroo, this means that there should be some standard way to access the current user's locale and that the runtime should be able to load differnet resources depending on that user locale. Since the Runtime can already load classes automatically, representing resource bundles as classes suggests itself. To help you creating such classes, there is a new tool, the Properties Compiler. Actually, it has been included with the Jangaroo tools for quite some time as a hidden feature. But after we have revamped it with the 0.7 release, we're glad no-one (but ourselves) has used it yet ;-). The properties compiler takes a set of properties files for different locales, in Java often called a resource bundle, and generates an ActionScript class for each locale, and one for the defaults. We will add an example to the Jangaroo website soon, also explaining how to let a user choose her locale.

Automatic Semicolon Insertion

The Jangaroo compiler jooc is now capable of inserting semicolons according to the ECMA-262 specification (of which ActionScript 3 is an implementation). For compiler writers: this is done by exploting the error recovery mechanism of the CUP LALR(1) parser generator.
We implemented this feature not beause we like it so much, but to increase our ActionScript 3 compatibility, esp. for the purpose of porting 'legacy' code. For example, we needed to patch the FlexUnit library at many places just because some semicolon was missing. These patches are now no longer necessary.
When writing new code, you should not use the optional-semicolon feature of ActionScript 3, as recommended by Adobe in the Flex SDK coding conventions and best practices.
Semicolon Insertion is considered one of the bad parts of JavaScript, and ActionScript 3 inherited them: a line terminator might trigger semicolon insertion which might change the meaning of the program in unexpected ways. Because of these bad vibes, we added a compiler switch which configures the behaviour of jooc with regard to semicolon insertion. The syntax is -autosemicolon mode, and possible modes are:
  • warn (which is the default) will issue a compiler warning if a line terminator is the cause for semicolon insertion
  • error will treat this as an error (some kind of strict mode, recommended setting). 
  • quirks silently inserts all these semicolons as JavaScript interpreters and Flex compc do (good luck with this setting!)
Note that the ECMA-262 rule which inserts a missing semicolon right before a closing brace ('}') is unaffected by this switch. This rule basically states that a semicolon is optional at the end of a block, which we consider a favourable thing.
One last tip: IntelliJ IDEA offers a code style setting for ActionScript to highlight unterminated statements. Just open Settings - Project Settings - Code Style - JavasScript/ECMAScript/ActionScript and place a checkmark at Use semicolons to terminate statements.

Frank and Andreas

P.S.: As always, we updated the Jangaroo IDEA plugins Jangaroo Language and Jangaroo EXML (containing the properties compiler) to the new version.